Before posting any information on its website, Excelitas Noblelight makes reasonable efforts to carefully examine and update its content. However, Excelitas Noblelight neither warrants that the information given on Excelitas Noblelight’s website is always updated, topical, accurate, or complete, nor that such information is free from any third party intellectual property rights or copyrights. A liability of Excelitas Noblelight for any damage whatsoever which has been caused by the use or non-use of the information provided on this website, or by the use of inaccurate or incomplete information provided hereon, is hereby excluded unless willful intent or gross negligence is given.
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The information on the website of Excelitas Noblelight may contain specifications or general descriptions of technical characteristics of products. If a user of the website of Excelitas Noblelight should enter into a contract on products which are described or depicted on this website, only the specifications agreed between the user and the corporate division of Excelitas Noblelight in such contract will be binding.
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This Disclaimer of liability is part of Excelitas Noblelight' website. If any term or phrase of this Disclaimer should not comply with current law, then such term or phrase shall be severed from the remainder of this Disclaimer, and such remainder shall continue in full force and effect.